Thread: Big Brother
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Old 07-06-2007, 22:52   #106


Re: Big Brother

Originally Posted by garinda View Post
Charlie reacted quite well. She was shocked Emily used the word, and never complained to BB. In fact Emily seemed to think there was no problem using the term. It's a word plainly offensive, in whatever context, but to say it to a black girl, even as a joke, is out of order.

She's thick, and 4 had no choice but to boot her out.

I’m sorry Gary. Yes the word was offensive in any context. I agree with that, but the Charlie girl clearly manipulated the situation by continually referring the issue and by engaging the whole of the house by the end of the night. Just giving any one listening enough to get the picture and keeping the issue going. She herself used the word herself in a far different tone on multiple occasion as did Nicky at least three times but no action was taken against them.

Obviously it’s ok for the afro Caribbean population to use the word extensively and for a minority of coloured people to make millions of pounds each year using the word in music that can be heard on any street corner, but why when some silly little uneducated bitch says it trying to be hip we have a major incident.

I wanted the nasty sod out as well but I wanted the public to decide that.

Nicky to Win.........

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