Re: Robin Hood Has Changed Sides
It is enshrined in British law that a person earning a wage or in receipt of an income is obliged to pay Income Tax if certain conditions are met. Failure to pay the Income Tax when due leaves them open to prosecution in a court of law to enforce payment.
In other words the Inland Revenue have to prove their case in a court of law BEFORE being able to enforce a payment. That is right and proper. For the Inland Revenue to bypass the due process of law is a step too far.
As you appear to condone such action, the one person to sod off to another country where such conditions exist is you entwisi. Don’t slam the door behind you.
PAYE was introduced and the appropriate laws passed to make the tax collection simpler WillowTheWhisp. The onus was on the employer to deduct the appropriate amount of tax BEFORE paying the employee. The self employed or those in receipt of an unearned income declare their earnings/expenses etc at the end of the financial year, are assessed for tax due and are presented with a demand for payment. OK! So it is more streamlined today in that the self employed assess himself for tax using supplied tables. But the principle is still the same, they have to pay the tax and it is not deducted at source.
Large stores and supermarkets get supplied with goods that come with an invoice. The store is then obliged to settle up within a specified amount of time. If the store does not, the supplier has to take them to court for the money. The supplier cannot just take the money from the store’s bank account.
If this Draconian act is allowed to go through and it probably will, it will establish a precedent that can be used against the public bringing Big Brother one step closer.