Thread: Accrington pubs
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Old 01-08-2007, 00:27   #13
Coffin Dodger.

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Re: Accrington pubs

Originally Posted by Ianto.W. View Post
My great grandfather ran the Lark Inn Abbey St, my grandmother ran the brown Cow in Bridge St, this later became the Central Club. the Flying Duchman in Abbey St, was where the Arden Inn now stands. The first pubs to shut down as
I recolect was the Red Lion in Abbey St, Cattle Market Abbey St, Welcome in Elephant St, Roland Rathbone was the Landlord,he took over the Lomax Arms in Gt Harwood, a real character who kept it for 30 or so years.
can you remember the landlord previous in the welcome? landlady was a blonde (eileen) who took the pineapple in blackburn, he fell to his death in the cellar, which was directly under the bar, never knew him as i was well underage lol n started supping their about 62 which was after his death, it was always a did she, didnt she topic lol,personally i thought not, but what did a kid know.
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