Re: Stanhill POW Camp
recently went on a cruise first port of call kirkhall orkney islands went to see the italian chapel which was built by italian prisoners of war during the second world war roundabout 1944 The inside of the chapel is unbelievable the decorations take your breath away you have to touch the walls to make sure its real outside its a old nissan hut apparently the british commandent gave the prisoners the old hut to turn into a mess which they could use after they finished work which was blocking all holes up round scapa flow to stop the germans sneaking through and sinking our ships the story goes that the only things they had to renovate the hut were empty cornbeef tins and any old scrap from round the camp and that one italian designed it all and that up to when he died he came back every other year to touch up and make sure everthing was alright now I believe the work is done by locals All the cruises make the italian chapel one of there first itinerarystops