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Old 03-08-2007, 22:00   #12
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Re: Stanhill POW Camp

Originally Posted by steeljack View Post
bit of a thread wander ...but sort of ties in with original thread.
Years back I worked with an Italian guy called Angelo , his wartime service included being 4 different armies , he started out as a young conscript in Mussolini's Army , when Italy surrendered he was 'shanghied' into the German Army they were serving alongside , When the Germans forces surrendered and he told his story to his British captors he was allowed to join the British army in an Italian regiment ( Italy was now an ally) , Later on finding out the Yank G.I.s got paid more he wangled a transfer over to them .
Four uniforms in one war ! Last time I saw him he was wearing the colours of the Rhodesian Defence Forces , another uniform
I think I know the guy steeljack, I once had a meal in his very expensive resturant, fortunatly my brother was paying.:
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