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Old 03-09-2007, 16:31   #65
Full Member

Re: Has Coleman lost the dressing room?

So to sum up some of the comments, Eric should sell up, Coleman and Bell should be sacked, along with Evil and half the team.........this running a football team lark is so easy......NOT!
Get real folks, We have not done too badly so far with Eric Whalley as Chairman, and considering the lack of spending money, Coleman has got together a pretty good squad. We need to create the same sort of spirit in the side that got us into the Football League. We being the supporters. Get behind the team, even when they are having a bad day. Get behind the club, buy a raffle ticket, bring a friend, turn up to the games yourself!! And for goodness sake stop all this moaning and groaning. As bad as it gets we all turn up to watch football and particularly Stanley, you bought your season ticket (well 115 have) so enjoy the experience. (A note to Lee have the talent to do good things at Stanley, get yourself to match fitness and use that talent!!!)
Rant over, I feel better for that and I'll see the true supporters on Saturday.
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