Re: Child benefit to Poland!
Originally Posted by cherokee
Nothing will ever be done in this country to stop all this until the genuine british people come together and unite which isnt going to happen ..
We live in a nanny state purely because we have allowed governments to tell us what to do.... ie dont smack , dont cane, dont do this , dont do that , dont say black but you can say white . lose the gollywog off a jar a jam because its racist........What a load of balllony .. We are to blame because we dont have the b**ls to fight back and /or the unity .. so why are we all whinging about it?????
we can all sit behind a keyboard crying about it . but at the end of the day the whole of the british population havent got the bottle to come together and stand up to a government ..(whichever one is standing at the time ) and tell them what we want .. we just go along with what they want and make do .....We will never get rid of foriegners nor will we ever beat them .. they are taking over and we are to soft and polite to do anything about it ..
good post well said.
"A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort."