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Old 08-10-2007, 15:06   #34
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Re: what livens you up?

Marg i love listening to loud shouty music anyway, and your right it does do the world of good to scream at it, i usually go for guns n roses or the foo fighters

Gary cheers for that, i love reading books, although i am in need of a new one at the moment, i dont read fiction because my mind seems to wander when i read it, i like true life stuff like the kray twins, but ive read nearly all the books about them already, ive got about 50 autobiographies here that ive already read, think i'll be opening my own library soon

anyway today has been a better day, been out shopping with my mate, and he always makes me smile...ive decided to take some driving lessons soon, have just been talking about it with Richard, having something to focus on will help me i think

thanks again you lot xx
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