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Old 03-12-2007, 02:30   #106
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Re: A Law Unto Themselves?

Jambutty, you're ability to make the most pointless threads ever known to man linger on for seven pages never ceases to amaze me.

******, I can't help but join in.

Jambutty, would you be kind enough to let us know what was actually written/drawn/scribbled/fingerpainted on the notice you saw at the checkout? You mention the general jist of what was said, but not word for word, this makes it hard to grasp for other members as they have all seen 'Challenge 21' posters which give out clear information.
You feel that the notices do not give the same information as the 'Challenge 21' posters do, thus erroneously making the claim that only customers over the age of 21 may buy alcohol. Well let's see what's on the notices.
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