I had to make it private two yers ago, after a bit of a hoo-ha.
When they came back today, mine was public again, so I've had to reprivatise it.
If there's a way of editing out every reference to persons other than myself, it might someday reappear.
I did re-read some of it today. Boo-hoo, I've not slept. This disease is a nightmare, and then there were the name dropping entries, listing people I 'knew'.
Some of it was funny though, and did make me laugh, and self amusment is such a nice quality to possess.
I have blogged anonymously on a site, these past two years, and it did allow one a certain freedom to be more...graphic, but I do miss my old journal on here. It was like a diary, but it spoke back to you.
Therein lay the problem. It wasn't a private diary. One in which I could air all my family's linen.
Time to shut up waffling, or this post will look like a blog entry.