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Old 31-12-2007, 21:23   #39
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Re: Site upgraded and Blogs recovered from the past......

Originally Posted by garinda View Post
I had to make it private two yers ago, after a bit of a hoo-ha.

When they came back today, mine was public again, so I've had to reprivatise it.

If there's a way of editing out every reference to persons other than myself, it might someday reappear.

I did re-read some of it today. Boo-hoo, I've not slept. This disease is a nightmare, and then there were the name dropping entries, listing people I 'knew'.

Some of it was funny though, and did make me laugh, and self amusment is such a nice quality to possess.

I have blogged anonymously on a site, these past two years, and it did allow one a certain freedom to be more...graphic, but I do miss my old journal on here. It was like a diary, but it spoke back to you.

Therein lay the problem. It wasn't a private diary. One in which I could air all my family's linen.

Time to shut up waffling, or this post will look like a blog entry.

I've not had experience of blogs, either on here or elsewhere so I'm not having a go at you, merely asking a question.

I was under the impression that a blog is supposed to be read by others so what's the point of writing a blog that only you can access on a forum?

You might aswell just write in a diary at home if there's only you reading it.
Old aunts used to come up to me at weddings, poking me in the ribs, cackling and telling me
'You'll be next.' They stopped when I started doing the same to them at funerals.
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