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Old 01-01-2008, 11:20   #10
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Originally Posted by WillowTheWhisp View Post
I do believe that Kiva is registered as a non-profit making organisation and there are plenty of people who have 'donated' more than once and had their loan repaid and then 'donated' again. Now that's the bit which appeals to me.

It is not a typical charity pouring more and more money down an ever deepening black hole with little or nothing to show for it. It's a system of loaning money to individuals in developing countries who are given a leg-up by the loan and get on their feet, support themselves (and often others too) and repay the loan. A bit like "Dragon's Den".

I do hate being hounded by charities to give more and more and then see them tarting up their shops or swanky offices and receiving glossy brochures showing what they are doing. I see that as a pure waste of funds which is supposed to be helping people. As for Scope - the way they treated the people they supposedly care for stopped me donating anything at all to them and has made me seriously question my donations to anything else.

This however, sounds like an excellent scheme and if you look into past records it has been working well, with people getting a good return of their loans and consequently able to use the money again and again to help others.

I like it.
You obviously looked at it properly willow, and I think that is what busman asked, I dismissed it without looking at it properly, probably because we already donate to several, and have no intention of donating to any more, though this does clearly seem that you get your money back.
If time travel were possible, wouldn't somebody have been back or forward and told us by now?
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