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Old 22-01-2008, 20:35   #2
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Re: Bring back National Service !

Originally Posted by katex View Post
Comment by Retlaw (and others) that we should bring back National Service, sorry to start with a google, however, :-

BBC - History - The Peacetime Conscripts: National Service in the Post-war Years

Sure did not do any good to the minority of our young lads in the 50's 60's as per this report.

Can you imagine what the problems would be today ?

Young people being taken away from their ongoing education. We need more qualified technicians, engineers, plumbers, academics, scientists to forward our economy now.

Would, in this equal rights community, women be forced into this.

Can you imagine your young son, if he were not physically minded, being forced into this 2 year discipline.

How would this sit with our immigrants (legal or illegal) .. and religious beliefs, would they be exempt ?

Could list many, many more.

On the plus side, yes, would do some lads good, only those that have the apptitude for a hard physical 2 years and the yobs of our country that have fallen by the way side.

I vote against my motion, but would be interested to hear lots of other opinions, especially Retlaws.
Oops, can of worms time. All of the trades you speak of are taught in the army, physical training is carried out by those that are fit enough and healthy enough to do it, like minded shouldnt come into it, it is a training of the mind and attitude, also, respect for themselves and others and manners are drummed in, as for our immigrants, you would see a massive decline in the uncontrolled immigration, and likely many returning home, they should not be exempt if they want to live here, religous beliefs could be catered for much as they are here, but without being allowed to take over as they do now. List away, I love this subject, much as I love the hanging, birching and corporal punishment argument!
If time travel were possible, wouldn't somebody have been back or forward and told us by now?
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