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Old 13-02-2008, 11:46   #4
God Member

Re: Film for your camera?

Film will be available for years yet, they still sell film cameras you know, they're not all digital . Plus there's thousands of SLR cameras on the market and the lenses are dirt cheap. I've got just about every lens I'd ever need from 24 mm to a 1000mm.I've got 7 Slrs from vintage to an EOS5. It's carrying it all about though, I still end up taking pics on my 2Mpixel camera phone. So there' s a market there and while there's a market someone will supply that market.

As for the instant film, I'm a bit surprised, I thought studios still used it to test light. I've got a couple of those big polaroid cameras, never used them though. I was thinking about this the other day, I did but a little one, the stick pic one just before camera phones came in, I've got a few films for it, all out of date though, so I've got my answer to that thought now.

I think they were mostly bought by people to use in the bedroom lol

Last edited by Madhatter; 13-02-2008 at 11:52.
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