Originally Posted by jambutty
I do apologise shakermaker. I wasn’t aware that I wasn’t allowed to have an opinion that differs to others. Learn to debate.
shakermaker is too stupid to think of a counter response to my opinion about fishing so he reverts to insulting me. But then that is par for his coarse. I would remind you shakermaker that it wasn’t me who started with the insults so I will answer you in kind. Get lost you obnoxious creep..
Untwist your long johns and try reading my post properly.
Originally Posted by shakermaker
Just love how jambutty thinks he's the oracle.
"This should be this way" and "that shouldn't do that at all".
All without considering any evidence or any other opinion. 'Triffic.
You cannot move from an opinionated moral statement to an absolute universal standard (without being a bigot).
My whole point was that you weren't presenting an opinion. "Learn to debate" you say - how rich. How are you trying to debate at all? You were quite clearly trying to impose your moral views as universal rules; e.g. "
Fishing is OK if kill what you catch and take it home to eat" or "
Fishing for SPORT is CRUEL and should be banned." or "
In fact any so called sport that uses any other living beings other than humans to determine the outcome should be banned."
There's no "my opinion is..." or "it is my view that.." Oh no.
What we are told is "this is this" and "this should be this". This is the Gospel according to jambutty. The Three Commandments for fishing.
If you want to impose your morals as rules for others then run for Parliament or get a geriatric guerrilla army together, just don't disguise them as innocent opinion.