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Old 30-03-2008, 18:38   #142
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re: Planning Applications

Here's one to make you think
Outline application for the erection of new buildings for: Research and Development Knowledge Park (Class B1b)(36,619 sqm); Light Industry (Class B1c)(30,048 sqm); General Industry, storage and distribution (Class B2/B8)(21,132 sqm); neighbourhood centre comprising retail shops (Class A1 limited to a maximum of 372 sq m for any one unit), restaurants/cafes/hot food takeaways (Class A3)(950 sqm), Nursery Creche (Class D1)(500sqm); Gymnasium/fitness centre (Class D1)(500sqm) and a maximum of 5 apartments. Associated car parking and servicing areas, roads, footpaths and cycleways, public transport facilities, landscaping and public open space. Land between Whitebirk Roundabout and Blackburn Road, Knuzden, Blackburn.
Taken from the planning applications listed for the April meeting of the Planning Committee.
Featured in the 1996 HBC plan as Employment site "U".
But look they want to build shops, restaurants/cafes and a gym, and provide emplyment for 2500-3000 people.
Details can be viewed in full at Planning Committee - Planning Applications (download the Word document to view)
The application 11/03/0608 is a 2003 application, plus there is no indication of who the Developer is...........could it be another Barnfield/HBC development, we will have to see. No doubt it will hit the local Headlines at some point.
Wonder what BwD will have to say about that.
One access to the site will be from the newly traffic light controlled roundabout at Whitebirk

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Albert Einstein.

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