Thread: today
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Old 10-04-2008, 08:58   #6
Kiwi John
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Re: today

Originally Posted by depechemode View Post
yes mab i see your lads a lot in shirts , mine too also . any way mab how the hell do u get that scarf to stay on you cay window . mine wouldnt stick , blooy naff
..And I thought it was just mine that dosen't stay stuck,,,keep meaniing to glue the suckers to the window...

Also , this year, my junior team has been renamed HAVELOCK NTH STANLEY. Tonight at training it was explained to them why and a copy of a letter from Rob Hayes was given to each player.Their eyes lit up cause they 'think' that Accrington Stanley F C are really interested in there progress.Though they haven't heard of Accy (one kid has though!!) they already seem interested.Hopefully I won't 'overkill' the club to them,but they are REALLY exited at the apparent interest in them from Accrington...Hope they can use that confidence for their opening competition game on Saturday.
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