[quote=Wynonie Harris;613019]
Originally Posted by Royboy39
Don't bring "my lot" into this!  The REAL Loonies are the Thatcherites who sold off our public utilities, effectively putting us all at the mercy of out-and-out profiteers, and the Nu Laborites who have done not one thing to reverse this process over the last 11 years. What is the point, Mancie, of keep ranting on about what the Tories did in the 80's? In my view, it was appalling, but it's history now - you can't change it. Why the hell aren't the present government doing something about it NOW?
OK Wynonie and the rest of the "quick fix" brigade on here.. are you prepared to pay higher taxes to buy back the utilities the Tories gave away?... and do you really belive the next Tory Goverment will eradicate all..or any..of the present enconomic deep kak we are ending up in?.. I winge about the last Government because we have had a relitivley good 11 years..when the Tories get back in it will be at least another 4yrs of kak!