Thread: Unbelievable.
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Old 26-08-2008, 18:10   #36
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Re: Unbelievable.

What is the likelihood of Britain really being portrayed for what it's like anyway?

Are we going include the BAE arms deals into our imagery of Britain?

What about the lovely £100 million of arms we sold to Georgia and Russia not so long ago and surprise surprise war breaks out and we pretend to be against it. We're the type of country that equips countries for war and then pretend we are against it once we've made our profit.

What about all the youngsters that have died from knife crime this year? Surely that is pretty much a part of the country now. Premature deaths. Though let's not forget the premature pregnancies of our female youth. I suppose that balances it all out.

I think no matter what we do we are going to be lying about what Britain is like and it's going to be just as hypocritical as the Chinese Olympics.

We either lie about what Britain is like and look stupid because everyone knows the truth anyway or we tell the truth and at least acknowledge that there is a lot of bad stuff about the country too that needs sorting out.

Though when do we ever acknowledge the problems in this country? Especially when it comes to crime. Just sweep it under the rug and pretend its not there. Good old British spirit.
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