Just thought id do a thread about this phone for anyone whos got one and like to comment on it or for people that dont know much about the phone and maybe thinking of getting one.
I have this phone on contract which i purchased last week. At first i was a little scared as its a touch phone and i thought id get anoyed with it and texting etc would be extremely hard but it really isnt at all, its so easy to text when you get the hang of it and the touch is is just right. Also which is good is the great pictures produced by the 5mp camera.The thing what first caught my eye about this is how stylish it is, if your into how good your phone looks then you wont be dissapointed, its got a great black tint with silver round the sides , with a stainless steel backing. Surfing the web is absolute great and is extremely fast, however watching youtube videos are not the best quality tbh.
All together this phone is a beauty and i would recommend it to anyone!
If anyone knows of any sites for downloads for this phone etc then please let me know