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Old 28-12-2008, 11:18   #16
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Re: Woodnook St Mary's

Originally Posted by Margaret Pilkington View Post
Mrs Duxbury was the caretaker....I know because she is my Mum.
How is Dorothy? I hav'nt seen her for years. Many years ago when i lived in the Woodnook area, i used to see her every Sunday morning when i took our washing to the launderette on Nuttall Street. And a few years before that your Mum was the only person who used to beat us to the front of the queue at the Ambulance Drill Hall Jumble Sales! She knew my Mum and Dad really well. Nice lady your Mum..a real Character!

I used to attend Woodnook St Marys too. I recall Mrs Waterhouse and Miss Sudall in Juniors. Miss Sudall used to scare me silly! Does anyone remember Mrs Aspden reading "The Magic Faraway Tree" If we were misbehaving she used to threaten us by saying she would'nt read a chapter to us!! Lol! Others i recall are Mrs Demain. Mr Whittaker who was caretaker before Dorothy, Mr Holt (saw him in town last week), Mr Clegg, Mr Whalley. Eric Barton was headmaster then. Do you recall him making things with Gloy Glue, and saying the magic words..."Izzy Wizzy Lets Get Busy...STICK!!" And if we were bad he used to shout at us and say..."You make my Blood Boil" Remember making our own exercise books for "Scripture" with paper and needle and thread? Mr Barton used to take some of us up to King Georges playing fields in his car to mark out the cricket pitch in summer. I recall Mr Whalley playing the Piano with a fag in his mouth too!

Happy Days!

Best Regards - Taggy
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