Thread: internet speed?
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Old 07-01-2009, 13:14   #11
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Re: internet speed?

There is a reasoned case against enabling encryption as long as you secure the router to known MACS and hide the ESSID.

WEP is next to useless and can be broken in about 10 mins now.

WPA/2 is secure but.... it has an overhead on the router and PC. YOU then have to ask what are you actually hiding? All(decent) financial websites are SSL encrypted anyway to 128bit so you won't be breaking them very fast so your CC/Bank details are all safe.
So whats left? your MSN mesasages? your basic browsing?

Lets be honest, if someone wants your bank details its far easier to put your window in and rob your wallet/bank books etc. or to knock you on the head witha big stick when you are coming home one dark night. Security is as good as teh weakest link in teh chain and windows and human beings aren't that good.

What you should be concerned about is stopping people using your internet connection maliciously. there are two ways this will happen, an insecure network where they can log on or by your machine being vunerable to viruses/trojans and you doing it without realising.

lock your router to teh known MAC codes and hide the ESSID Turn the router off when not in use by you ort your family. Its not perfect but more than good enough to stop the casual hacker in teh same way that locking your car stops teh casual car thief. A pro car thief will take your car no matter what ( threaten for keys, looking official and loading it on a low loader etc ). In teh same way a pro hacker will have your data if they really want it.

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