Thread: Latch key kids
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Old 18-02-2009, 22:50   #9
Resting in Peace

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Re: Latch key kids

Latch key kids always sounds a horrible expression, doesn't it ? Smacks of kids left to their own devices somehow.

Well, they are in a way, but you have just got to ask yourself a few questions :-

  • Is he sensible enough not to leave lights on indiscrimitably, leave gas jets/electric hobs on, stick his finger in plugs ? in other words, safety to himself.
  • Let undesirable friends in your house whilst you are not there who will have no respect for your property.
  • In danger of any adult knowing he is alone and taking advantage. Locking doors if he goes out to play.
  • Will he get on with his homework without being strongly encouraged ?
Myself, wouldn't even consider it for a couple of more years, but Grandad is next door, and perhaps he could report to him when he arrives home, etc.
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