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Old 24-02-2009, 00:59   #15
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Re: new career (maybe)

I went down this road around fifteen years ago. It started as an interest and then as I didn't understand how a basic SLR worked I enrolled at college and learned how to develop and print. After gaining my GCSE I went on and got the A level. Next was City and Guilds and I almost got my LRPS but the college fees beat me and I had to give in. This was all evening courses as I worked full time and it took me around seven years to get as far as I did.

Being really interested in the chemical side of it all, digital cameras took over and the rest is history. I did do one wedding and it was so hard work! Thankfully, the photos were really good but it wasn't worth the effort I put into it, financially that is.

Wish you all the luck in the world and I hope I haven't put a damper on it xx
June xx

So much muck to eat before you die
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