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Old 20-03-2009, 16:31   #2
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Re: have we become to "sensitive"

Originally Posted by steeljack View Post
the PC crowd is on a roll this morning , all the morning news shows are carrying an item about US President Obama comparing his bowling skills to 'something akin to the Special Olympics '
Obama apologizes for Special Olympics gaffe

an 'apology' was issued soon afterwards , and I'm sure more grovelling will follow , so my question is ........where are we supposed to draw the line ? , maybe the quip was in poor taste , but I'm sure most people have said /thought similar after making a similar gaffe.
Incidentally the 'event' happened on a TV program which airs after the late night news at 11.30 pm , so in the main the only people who watch it are the folks who don't have to get up for work, Jobseekers, retirees and disabled (or should that be the unemployed, pensioners and incapcitated)
If you cant have a sese of humour and one that dosnt offend anyone then please tell me were to get a dose of it please? If the PC bandits are kicking up hell over this then every commedian is going to be unemployed. I believe there are people who with phone in hand wait for the first chance to stir it up and enjoy it. The way things are going the PC brigade will be more powerful than the tax man and enough power and influence to make all western govenments put together look like ametures (ok some are) and will bully them for there own ends. Time we caled in the pest controllers to deal with the P.C bandits.

All comments above are nothing to do with here and therefore not the resposibility of the Accrington Web site owners admins or mods.


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