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Old 21-03-2009, 14:35   #28
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Re: were is the "line" ?

The idea of immigrants 'taking our jobs' is a joke. I was once offered a cleaning job because I was the only white person who applied.

I didn't take the job because I felt the other applicants were clearly more experienced than me and I was being offered the job on the wrong 'merits'

The fact that people even use that as an excuse is disgusting in my opinion.

If all the British immigrants came back to England we wouldn't have enough space for them, never mind enough jobs. And unless you were willing to accept the British people back from the other countries if we decided to kick out all their immigrants, I don't think we really have the grounds to complain.

Not to mention how much necessary talent comes into the country to work, which we would struggle to produce ourselves. Doctors are a pretty good example of that, there is a very culturally-varied selection of doctors to be found in the UK.

I personally couldn't imagine living in an entirely white country, I'd find it really peculiar having been immersed in so much culture throughout my education and life so far. I think if I was forced to work with only white people I'd probably choose to immigrate as well, as I don't believe we'd be able to achieve world-class standards of business without the diverse work force.
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