Originally Posted by jambutty
A sensible approach to immigrants.
Would you like to put it to Gordon Brown?
Only if he can speak one of our official languages ... I'll give him the benefit of the doubt, that he is probably a well meaning person .... but I have heard him speak on tv several times; and, to put it bluntly, bs is not one of our official languages
Here's another thing ... and I know it will rub some of you the wrong way ... but anyone wishing to become a Candian citizen has to swear -alliegence to the Queen ... some people have baulked at this one, so, they didn't get citizenship ... whether you agree with this or not, they are our rules; and anyone who wants the rights and priveleges of a Canadian citizen has to play the game by our rules. And the rules we have are made in Canada, by the Canadians we elect to our provincial and federal parliaments, not by some super- or trans-national assembly over which we have little control. I know, that as a Canadian, it is not really any of my business, but I'll offer my two cents worth: I don't see any benefits for Britain in the EU ... I like a world with distinct national identities ... homogenization maybe ok for milk; but, for the world, I just don't see it.