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Old 23-03-2009, 19:25   #53
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Re: were is the "line" ?

Originally Posted by steeljack View Post
Eric , think you should check out the "Security and Prosperity Partnership of North America , Canada isn't as independant as you think

Security and Prosperity Partnership of North America - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

know that wikipedia isn't the best source , but gives a you a bit of an idea about whats going in the background with the North American Union and New World Order
Nothing new ... Canada has always had close ties with the US in terms of trade, defence (NORAD, the DEW line), and since 9-11, quite probably on border security. But the differences between the two countries are immense. Cuba, for example, I can still buy Montecristos and vacation in Cuba ... the contentious debates over softwood lumber (not a well known one, but very important) and many other bitter debates surrounding NAFTA .... under a conservative govt., we get a little closer ... and when, inevitably with our politcs, the Liberals regain power, we back off. Friends we may be .... allies when it suits our interests (we don't do Iraq, but we do Afghanistan, not as US allies, but because of our commitment to NATO) ... but, we are independent; and that will never change.
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