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Old 01-04-2009, 16:42   #8
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Re: What a waste of our money by LCC!

Originally Posted by katex View Post
Would be interesting to hear how this happened from the LCC, before we ask heads to roll.

Maybe this work, and money allocated, had been scheduled months before, and they did know about the roundabout coming up (sure they did, but not when), however, the silver lining is that they have only pulled up a quarter of the length of pavement and would know some of it would have to be relaid at some stage.

Possibly laying that extra quarter near to the crossroads did not add much cost to the job, and relaying cost would be minimal. Could be that that stretch of pavement was desperate for repair, and considered a hazard ?

Just my little theory, theory B ... just a cock up in liaison...
I think theory B has it kate, just imagine if HBC had done it, Jones would have been apoplectic about it, backed by sycophants are us
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