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Old 02-04-2009, 10:56   #8
God Member

Re: Business Rates...

Originally Posted by jaysay View Post
You have to make exceptions for Mancie, Tealeaf, he has a one track mind which slopes badly to the left
I slope badly away from any Tory Policies.. been bitten more than once and that is what I base my outlook on... I was giving an example of the inflation rate we had to endure under the last Tory rule.. 15%? I was being gentle.. the real rate was around 17% for home owners..most people have forgot.. but I'll bet you have not forgot Jaysay but you still tow the Tory line.. you are a traitor to your own... and I somehow think that is not the first time you have been tagged as a traitor.... maybe it's time to take notice in your old age.
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