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Old 20-04-2009, 13:24   #26
MrsAleks's Avatar

Thumbs up Re: Children on facebook

Originally Posted by flashy View Post
my niece has just told me she has a friend who has set up an account on facebook...she is TEN years old, this is illegal, you have to be 12 (i think) to be able to open an account....the childs mum has obviously opened the account for her, i have also noticed some younger kids on facebook recently too, i think this is bang out of order...what the hell are the parents thinking?

if you are found out the account will be deleted and so can the persons who is responsible for setting it up, they have obviously given false dates of birth...

if i see any i will be reporting them, i think its disgusting

talk about irresponsible parenting, this really maddens me

My Katie set her Facebook the day after 13th birthday and i did it with her and know her password. We monitor what she is doing and who she is adding all the time. The internet isn't a safe place and i do agree with you i know people who have set up there childrens accounts and there only 10. Callum is 9 and there is not a chance he is going to have one until he is 13!!!!!
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