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Old 20-04-2009, 18:25   #29
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Re: Children on facebook

Originally Posted by Margaret Pilkington View Post
a friend of mine sent me an invite to be his friend on Facebook.......I declined the invite because I told him I was too old to be on facebook(OK, Facebook may not have an upper age limit......but my feeling is that it is something for younger folk).
I though that when someone first asked me to join.

Being nosey I did join, but then never went on.

In the past year or so I've used it a lot, and I love it.

I check there before Accy Web now.

There are groups for all kinds of things.

I started a young onset Parkinson's group, because there wasn't a UK one, and it's been invaluable, and I've made some great friends, some of which I'm friends with in the 'real' world.

I also love Scrabble, and hadn't played for years since my dad's death, because that was our game. Now I have a few games going all the time, including with my friend in Gran Canaria, as well as nail biting matches with Gayle.

I'd say give it a go. It'd be a good way for you to feel closer to your family and friends down under, and if you don't think it's for you there's nothing lost.
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