here we go again the anti smoking dimwitted, nazi,scumbag,saddos with no life or anthing better to do brigade are trying to get smoking in teh car banned
do these morons not realise that now cars come without ashtrays we have the window open so we can chuck our fags out of teh window so theres plenty of fresh air circulating
now they want smokers to be classed as child abusers if they smoke in a car when their kids are in it
they cant save children who get 7 bells of sh*t kicked out of them by tehir parents but have the time to moan about a bit of smoke in a car
my car - my rules
ya dont like it start walkin or get a bus
if im gonna be treated like a taxi by my kids im sure as hell gonna have a fag to stop me killing them
well until i get my champix sorted then i will have to find somthing else to keep me calm lol