Originally Posted by pipinfort
Anything that puts kids health at risk is wrong (abuse is a bit strong) i see this daily up at the school and think its disgusting that parents sit in their car puffing away whilst full of kids........i think smoking in cars carrying minors should be against the law........its appalling  but then again if people are happy to put their kids at risk thats up to them and their poor morals.
if im going down teh road with my window open having a ciggy it is totally different to sitting in a car with teh windows up chuffing away on a ciggy , when driving there is sufficiant airflow to dilute if not remove all of teh smoke from teh car
hell i cant sit in a car having a ciggy with teh window up and would definatly not do it with kids in teh car but come on theres been picky and too damn picky
if smoking is so damn dangerous why not ban it all together or does teh anual extortionate raise in tax on them keep this country affloat
im giving up ( again) but i sure wont be one of them ex smoking halfwits that preeches to everyone who dares have a ciggy