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Old 22-08-2009, 00:22   #76
Resting in Peace

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Re: Kerry Katona axed by Iceland

Originally Posted by Mancie View Post
Tell you what Katex ..I've only ever seen what I would call "a bad mother" and that was at Euston station when a women asked for money with a young kid in a pram...taking drugs is not ideal but I don't belive it makes a "bad" mother or parent..there are vast examples of the Lords of drug abuse such as John Lennon, Bowie, on and on.. but these bods never had the pressure of having thier kids taken away.. so why is this case different?
'Cause she is a woman, and not a fella 'Mancie. Plain and simple.

Can't comment on her yet, as not enough detail on her sad state. Just I feel she will have taken more care where she keeps her cocaine, unlike lots of parents who have a drinks tray proudly displayed 'at reach' of children. Lots of sad cases here, whereby children have overdosed on their parents alchohol.
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