Re: Priestly Clough
There were two cloughs as I knew Priestley Clough - the first went as far as the track to the left to King George's playing fields, and from there to the five arches was the second clough. We use to catch tiddlers and sticklebacks in the lodge close to Highams Mill. Monkey Hill was opposite the entrance/exit to Black Rock (the old quarry), and the rock just off the track back from there towards Bath Street and Highams was known as the King's Throne. We used to build rafts on Shutt's Lodge, and swim in there too. The Red Barn used to mark the beginning of the second clough, and from there one crossed two sets of pipes across the stream before eventually arriving at the higher level pipe crossing the stream closer to the five arches. Here one could either cross by clambering carefully around the spikes, swing across by means of the raail alongside the actual pipe or chicken out and get one's feet wet. I agree with those of you who've said that it was a fantastic place for kids.