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Old 15-09-2009, 13:44   #173
***Mr D***
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Re: Forced Vaccinations

Having a child at school myself who is not of the age to just leave on her own accord is worrying if what you say is indeed fact.

However I cannot see how schools can vaccinate without consent of the parent/guardian, would this not be classed as assault? I would certantly take it that way.

Also having a pregnant partner is a worry to me as they are on the hit list for the first wave of vaccination, I asked the midwife what she though about the vaccination and her reply was, as the child is due in November she probably wont need it as the child will be born by then.

Im now personally not to concerned by the vaccination as I cannot see how they would impose mandatory vaccination without public outcry. More people are now aware of the dangers the vaccine could cause.

The media has not been playing up the swine flu for a while now (Like it was).

I will not have the vaccine and if I have my way no one in my immediate family will have it either.

90% Of people I have spoken to about this subject WILL NOT have the vaccine.

I cant see how they would "jail" people as there is just no room.

Only Time will tell.
Everything is OK
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