Originally Posted by Doug
Bull **** springs to mind; negligence may too strong a word at the moment but we are well on the way. Events at Hyde United serve only to emphasise just how close this situation is to tears. Please will you people running Accrington Stanley take a fresh look at what you are doing; there’s nothing new being brought forward other than the inevitable end to the club should you keep to this current path…
You Can Not Seriously believe that the current Action Plan is working, please for the sake of the clubs name and the faith of the fans Stop Now and consider working with Mr. Khan and get this debt cleared now…..don’t wait until October, get it paid and the supporters along with the club with the assistance of Mr. Khan can carry on working to raise funds for the long term survival of Accrington Stanley.
Mr. O’Neil, Mr. Hayes please…we know you believe that your doing the right thing now; but we can see that you’ve not quite got it right….if you don’t change direction it will be too late.
I agree 1000% Please don't hang on until its to late do something now and save this club. You all knew the debt when you took over and if you can't clear it please don't let pride get in the way and let the club go under.