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Old 04-10-2009, 23:29   #221
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Re: Forced Vaccinations

Originally Posted by Margaret Pilkington View Post
No, it wasn't taken out of context........I know the mother of this girl.......she doesn't live locally, but the 12 year old is a very young 12 year old, and arrived home after school very upset....initially would not divulge what had gone on, but her older brother, who attends the same school, heard everything that the Deputy head teacher said to the 12 year old, and he told his mother.

I think that is absolutely disgraceful Margaret, she had no right to make such a statement ... might as well have told her to take the contraceptive pill so that she would not get pregnant if ever she were raped !!

Wonder if any teachers in the country, who are against the vaccine, have expressed the opposite view ?

As for your responses to my post........ I fear that the girls will be decieved into thinking that they will be safe........will maybe not realise that after 5years they are no longer covered.(not sure if they are going to be offering booster shots).

Think you may have misunderstood the longevity of this vaccine. What they are saying is that they have only 7 years experience of this vaccine and, at the moment, that is all they can guarantee until time moves on and it appears to be effective well beyond this.

For example ... I had a replacement hip at the age of 42, after an accident at 39 which didn't heal. On consulatation re. replacement, I naturally asked the surgeon how long the new hip would last me. All he could reply was that he could only guarantee 10/12 years, as this is the length of time they had experience with at the time. I have now been the proud owner for 24 years with absolutely no problems.

My stance regarding Cervarix and Gardasil would be exactly the same if my daughter was of the age to receive for my daughters little girl (I don't admit to the GP role) while I would not interfere if her mother thought it was wise to have the vaccination, I personally, would not be suggesting that she have this vaccination.

I would never suggest that you would ... get the impression your daughter does have a strong mind of her own .. LOL.

I feel that there are other ways that this disease can be managed and contained.....the focus should be on education and encouraging girls to respect themselves more and not see sexual activity as a 'Sociable pastime'.......if girls are adult enough to indulge in this adult pursuit, then they must be adult enough to take responsibility for their actions.

We should be instilling morals into our children, but hey, that's old fashioned isn't it.

Yes, 'tis old fashioned, but eh oh .. most of the parents of young children have become active sexually early, and would not see any particular harm in it I suppose.

Oh, yes Kate.......I agree prevention is better than cure.......but I am not sure that this vaccine fits this bill entirely....vigilance, education and regular smear tests and follow up for all sexually active women would be a better way to go......but that is harder to achieve. quote by Margaret.

Absolutely ... but this would take decades to achieve (if ever) and in the meantime, young women are dying from this awful cancer, so better we save our youngsters during what could be an interim period .. of which I doubt there is one.

Remember, lots of people get married in their teens too and, obviously, sexual activity is not frowned on as immoral (not that I think it is anyway), so have to offer the best protection we know. The pill, coils, condoms do not offer any protection against cervical cancer ... just pregnancy .. so married couples will still be at risk.

Last edited by katex; 04-10-2009 at 23:34.
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