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Old 08-10-2009, 15:15   #266
Grand Wizard Of The Inner Clique
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Re: Forced Vaccinations

Originally Posted by Life View Post
Hi All.

I show you your power, the TV shows your weakness and presents the state as power...its called communism.
Could you please explain how as a free thinker that you claim to be, a thread about Vaccinations suddenly becomes an anti-Communist thread?

You talk about thread wandering, you insult people because the way they look doesn't suit your ideal, (a very weak argument, you have to agree), and then all of a sudden we aren't talking about Vaccinations, we are talking about 'Reds under our bed's', come on, whatever artificial sensory stimulant you are using, share it with the rest of us, we would also like to live in a world like yours.

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Winnie the Pooh
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