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Old 13-10-2009, 22:54   #43
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Re: Pollution of the river Hyndburn

Originally Posted by Tetti View Post
There seems to be quite a lot of confusion over the name of the stream that runs from Jacobs Lodge down past Fern Gore and behind Laburnum Drive through the old Paddock House school and into the lodges (now filled in) behind what was Rist's Wire. It has been established on this web (cant find the thread) that it was called Antley Syke and is named on an old map of Accrington. Though I have never heard it called by that name. The part of the stream that runs from High St./ Fern Gore Avenue down to Fairfield St., between Laburnum Drive and Pendleton Avenue was always known as Nelson's Clough, probably because the land belonged to Dunnyshop Farm and the farmer was called Nelson. Dunnyshop Farm was where Slaidburn Ave. and Kingston Ave. meet. From High St. upto the bottom of Broadfield Rd. it was known as "th'ironwater" because (this bit is an assumption) when they built the new houses on Broadfield Rd. there was a natural spring that was diverted and piped down and under the track that runs parallel to the stream and came out through a 12 inch iron pipe. This water ran at the same rate all year round and the stream bed had a reddish colour from that point on hence "th'ironwater". It did have a stange taste but it must not have been poisonous, I'm still here and so are the others that used to drink it. The part of the stream that runs behind Cartmell Ave. to Jacobs Lodge I can't remember it having a name.
You're right.

There was a thread, asking the name of that particular stream, started by the much missed Tinks.

Here it is.
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