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Old 19-10-2009, 12:40   #79
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Re: UFOS over Preston

Originally Posted by Gayle View Post
That's because we've explored our planet so we know what there is on it. We haven't explored outer space yet so how can you say there isn't something out there?
I don't know what is out there; neither does science - that is what lots of boffins are trying to find out. What is being posted on here is all about UFO's supposedly visiting this planet and about conspiracies to cover up such drop-ins. It is about idiots who claimed to have been kidnapped by these visitors and it is about more imbeciles who claim to be in telepathic contact with their extra-terrestrial cousins. It is about simpletons and schizoids who see and photograph any aircraft and claim it is a UFO.
Quite simply, there is no verifiable evidence for such phenomena and I can only recommend that if you are are taking such nonsense seriously you visit your GP and ask him to make an appointment for you to see a psychiatrist.
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