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Old 06-12-2009, 09:44   #22
Pendle Red
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Re: Whats Changed with 50/50 Draw?

Maybe another thing worth considering for both the 50/50 draw sellers & programme sellers is some hi viz bibs with either programme seller or 50/50 draw on them?

Not the prettiest things to wear but would draw attention to them and perhaps where they are within the ground?

Also noticed yesterday how many people do turn up particulary on the Clayton End five minutes or so before kick-off is that lost revenue?

Maybe again something worth considering with the lounge is in making it more a supporters orientated bar, what I mean by that is if such a development takes place for sponsors in the new depelopment on the away end, then the BTH Lounge becomes free to just be a bar, then perhaps showing of previous games etc. or all thing ASFC related would be in essence be shown to a captive audience as such and may pull more punters in without losing space for either sponsors or the public?
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