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Old 07-12-2009, 20:40   #153
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Re: What has happened to Accrington

Originally Posted by Pheonix View Post

I am of ethnic origin, I have done voluntary work as a trustee for the last 7-8 years without a penny in remunerations, I am also a school governor, I do not get paid for that and there are many from an ethnic background that do similar work. There are also many white indigenous people doing excellent voluntary work. There are also many on this web board that do the same but do not like to sing and shout about it.

Before you start I love this country and have also served queen and country I did 9 years in the British Army. I made a lot of friends from all walks of life, black and white whilst serving and still have contact with many. I have seen colleagues and friends shot and blown up but at no time did I see their colour or ethnic background nor them mine, we were all in it together as one. Furthermore I have never been out of work and have never claimed benefits and I am now over 50.

I am a great believer in treating people as individuals and not as groups. As I see it there are some good people among the ethnics within Hyndburn and some not so good but you get that in all communities.

I am sure where you are in Ireland it is the same to some extent.
I hold my hand up to you and I have no arguments with your quote. You appear to be a great role model for the ethnic community and remind me of an Indian friend who has the same philosophy as yourself. It would be of great benefit to the community if other people of ethnic origins followed your example. Without being prejudice may I ask if you are of Muslim faith. Good luck my friend. Your quote has been the most inspiring on this thread. I salute you!

Last edited by Gordie; 07-12-2009 at 20:47.
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