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Old 13-01-2010, 03:32   #44
God Member

Re: cold weather payments

Originally Posted by turkishdelight View Post
Okay. However how do you think Labour will do a better job on the economy and running the country.
Labour have already done a better job than the Tories have ever done..I'm thinking about the 3.5 + millions unemployed in what the Tories called an economic upgrade in the 80's.. I'm talking about the reality of 17% intrest on motgages ,homes being repossed at a rate that broke the working men and women,hospital patients on trollies in corridors, no winter payments and when thousands of old people died each year.
Those 18 years of Thatcherite Tories was a bloody nightmare for most right thinking people .. there is no way Labour or any other party apart from the Tories could do a worse job than you lot did.

Last edited by Mancie; 13-01-2010 at 03:39.
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