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Old 16-01-2010, 19:30   #50
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Re: Pie shops in Accy

Originally Posted by Taggy View Post
Yeah remember now..i was getting mixed up between Horne St and Hood St!

Best Regards - Taggy
I was wondering about that and though I am getting a bit tatty in years I still couldn't recall any shops on Horne street, Riley's snooker were on the side opposite the houses. There was a corner shop lower down Meadow street from the Royal Oak with Guiseppe the tailor opposite it. He made me a few suits in the past and also made a few for the snooker lads when they visited Riley's, Dennis Taylor wore one when he won the world final.
Peter Boden employed about three women (including my wife to be) and a man in the bakery and only last week we were in Barden Mill and a lady came up to my wife and started chatting, she was a van driver for Peter and recognised my wife after all those years.
I looked on Hood street two weeks ago and thank goodness I got out while the going was good and we got a very decent price for our house which was one of the three bigger ones on the street.

One chap lived in the house attached to the bakery and it's door was on Maudsley street, Tony was his name and he started dabbling in second hand ornaments etc and I lost track of him untill a couple of years ago. he lives in one of the grand converted houses on the right a few hundred yards from Portfield bar lights. He has a nice Jaguar and his wife a BMW sports convertable. Big change from Maudsley street eh.

Gremlin R.T.
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