Originally Posted by garinda
Oh well I tried to be helpful.
If you're unwilling to pm the person whom answers are apparently sought from, you can continue pm'ing each other, and hopefully send them to me by mistake...again.
How I'd love to recieve another 'Doo-doo' message, addressed to andrewb, but sent to myself in error.
You've wiped it from your memory?
It was the one in which you said you'd warned andrewb about not using the Freedom of Information Act to look into councillor's expenses, because Peter Britcliffe would end up in the 'Doo-doo'.
Any more interesting messages gratefully recieved c/o garinda's messages at Accy Web.

Oh my goodness!
Forget your atheism Rind, there is a God, and he's looking down on you old sunbeam!!!
The day after posting this, up pops a little message in my box.
Odd, Jaysay isn't in the habit of messaging me much.
Opens message.
'Dear Andrew'!!!!!!!!!
It then goes on to give sensitive details of the current state of play regarding the Conservative candidate short-list.
Who said lightning couldn't strike twice?
John, thank you. I'm laughing so much l'm crying, and am in danger of hyper-ventilating.
I can't think straight at the moment, and don't know rules regarding publishing personal messages, or is that just karma?
Who cares I'm sure I'll be able to release the information somehow.


Just checked.
Personal messages can't be posted in public.
Anyone wanting to know the information in the message sent to me, but meant for andrewb, just mesage me, and l'll personaly give you the jist.
'A' is quite near 'g' in the alphabet.
It's an easy enough mistake to happen....twice.