Thread: Funeral Music
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Old 15-03-2010, 08:47   #19
Ken Moss
Common Sense Member

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Re: Funeral Music

I've been to a couple of 'interesting' funerals in recent years. One involved the Back to the Future theme and 'Smells Like Teen Spirit' by Nirvana, while another played the Doctor Who closing theme as the curtains closed. Both were completely appropriate to each person and it really helped to lighten the mood.

In contrast, when my mother-in-law was cremated we had quite sombre music and we were all glad of the chance to express a bit of grief.

I'm hoping mine will be about 50 years off but I want it to be the biggest ****-take ever and this has to feature somewhere:

A mate of mine put it on his answerphone and the first person to ring up was his nan....oops.
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