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Join Date: Aug 2004
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Springhill? you can keep it. The sooner I can afford to get out of here, the better. I have lived next door to a rented property for nearly ten years. Rented by 'Magenta' I may add. Everyone in this area knows who they are, everyone knows the kinds of people that end up their properties, but still it goes on. Magenta owns the house next to me and they have let it out to the most disgusting set of weirdo,s drunks, no hopers that you have ever seen. I have had to have two sets of these people evicted because of anti social behaviour and this took months to acheive. We have had to put up with loud music, fighting in the streets, yobs breaking windows, damaging cars and the rest. These people don't work, they don't do anything apart from getting drunk everyday and making decent folks life a misery. I see that Magenta has passed on it flea pits to Eafield & Maple to rent out. The house next to me was dolled up a bit and some woman was put in there. It was a matter of a month before the loud music started. Now this woman and her lunatic teen daughter insult us in the street, harrass my wife and family and, youve guessed it, don't work, and get drunk all the time. The police are never away from the door and i am now, again in the process of having to go through the legal system to get these crazies out of there. It doesnt help having an old mill property with a shared yard in which these yobs have access to. As for the area. People don't build slums, people make slums, and the kind of 'couldn't give a toss' low lifes that get thrown into these properties don't contribute at all to any kind of community spirit. We are passed the 'reason' stage. We are past the 'get along' bull spouted by the council do gooders. If they want the area to be 'nice'. then get the scum out of here. If you have lived with it as long as I have, and no doubt there are many around here who have, then you will know how I feel. Look at the property that has been built where Rists Wires used to be. Ha, what a joke, If you could afford a mortgage for over one hundred thousand plus pounds, would you live there. No way, you are practically facing scum central. I feel sorry for the decent folks who live in the terraced streets of spring hill. How do they hope to sell and get out of there if no one will buy. I personelly know people who have sold cheap to get away. Enter the rental agencies, buy the house cheap, stick someone in who has the council paying the rent, and here we go again. Its just a matter of greed by some, not all, landlords who just take the money. I do know there are plans afoot to sort out these landlords but nothing seems to have come of it yet. So, a couple of years and I,m out of here, unless things dramatically improve. As for the wheely bins, well. I don,t mind, its a bout time. Weve only got them coz of the new properties being built and I won,t beleive any other reason. Its a good Idea. I can sort my rubbish if it helps and its better than the local wildlife ripping the bags apart. But do you see these drunk yobbish characters doing it. I can,t. they wont bother with such tasks. I know my neighbour hasn't. If it wasnt for us, she would still have a full bin, as she hasn,t the presence of mind or, day even,to wheel the thing out for collection. We had to do it just for the sake of Hygeine. So, no matter what they build, or what 'they' plan. They can call it phoneix, or Dodo for all I care, but none of it is going to change the people. The people is where the problem lies. If these reprobates dont want to contribute then they should be moved into their own area and they can all get drunk together and we can live in peace. Its not a matter of people with money versus those on low income. Income has nothing to do with antisocial behaviour. Yes I know there are plenty people who would say it has everything to do with it. So I,ll keep that in mind if I ever loose my job and my family and I end up living in a low rental property. I,ll remember to instantly start making as much noise as possible. I,ll take up drinking in a big way and wear the same clothes day in and day out. I,ll start smoking because no matter how skint I am, theres always money for 'fags'. I,ll take a screwdriver and run it down the bonnet of any smart cars I see in the area and to top it all, I,ll get the biggest bull terrier I can find, call it fluffy, and let it crap wherever it likes. SCUM, I can do without them.