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Old 13-04-2010, 22:05   #51
g jones
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Re: Selective Licensing of Landlords

First of all this is a step in the right direction. One of several important measures. If landlords are upset then it is likely we may not see as many 'houses bought for cash' in our areas. Landlords seem to like buying in the cheap areas and turning it in to 'rent land' or rented ghettos whilst in my experience giving the appearance of driving 2010 plated Audis and Mercs, living in 'big houses on the hill' and taking holidays in the Carribean.

As an industry landlords have failed to have a collective social conscience, and whilst capital profits have risen steeply and they have ramped up rents too, all to frequently they have still forgone essential repairs and caused decent tenants no end of problems.

I did one yesterday from one of these landlords who describes themselves as a 'decent landlord' and protesting why they were being picked on. Well here's why. The tenant thinks they are a bad landlord due to lack of repairs/care. They were asked for a year to fix a broken gas fire but the tenants was told there was no money to do so, even though the rent is over a £100 a week. When the gas man came over a year later he condemned it. The tenant had young children in there.

I have done property after property which you wouldn't put a dog in. I have had complaints from residents renting from letting agents. Letting agents who like you to think they are a good firm and why them? I know they also have problems.

The industry as a whole is rotten.

Some are so disgusting it defies belief and I think if landlords want an argument, it's an argument they are going to lose and lose badly.

Some landlords have started to up rents beyond the fee. This tells you everything you need to know about them and the industry and why it needs more regulation - like forced lower rents. Hyndburn Homes charges £63pw and makes a better do.

Don't resume the liberal capitalist Thatcherite economic model is de facto. I am a socialist and will not accept those arguments.

The industry needs to sort itself out and then the Council (the people) won't have to.

Like I said. I am conviction politician and times up for bad landlords. I live in a landlord area. If they try to wriggle out of their responsibilities or try to pass on costs, then there will be more medicine required in order that industry takes on board it's social responsibilities.

Last edited by g jones; 13-04-2010 at 22:15.
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