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Old 14-04-2010, 09:51   #60
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Re: Selective Licensing of Landlords

Originally Posted by turkishdelight View Post
This only means the rents will increase to cover this cost, wont solve the problem of these bad landlords. Wonder how much the council will gain from all this extra income in the end being paid by the poor person renting the house.
Originally Posted by garinda View Post
'I hear people putting down the councils all the time regarding these licenses and inspections and I’ve even had a moan too but without this inspection the property was unsafe and no one would have know better. Is this the kind of property you want one of your relatives to live in? Perhaps your daughter who is renting while in University? I think not! So you can say what you want about Salford Council requiring licenses in order to let out your property but in this case it has saved a potential disaster.'
Salford Landlord Licence Scheme Works | Advantis Home Maintenance Ltd.

The opinion of an independent firm of property repairers in Salford, on their website.
Maximum fine for buy to let landlord after tenant dies in bathroom tragedy - RL news

Well according to an independent builder in Salford, where the scheme has been up and running for a number of years, it is solving 'the problem of bad landlords, and is preventing people from being maimed, or killed by defective appliances that are in the rented properties.

I suppose it all depends what price you put on an innocent life, when it comes down to costs.

Personally I think life is worth more than a few extra quid.
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